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Friday, May 27, 2016


10:07 AM

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On the off chance that you replied, "USA", "The Middle East" and "begin wars", you would be genuinely near reality... then again reality, as it seemed to be, for a large portion of the most recent century. In the most recent couple of decades we have seen the USA utilizing the vast majority of the world's oil, and sourcing it from the Middle Eastern nations. We have seen the USA required in clashes in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq (section two).

In later years, the measure of oil being utilized by China is on the ascent. Before long, your responses to the above three inquiries will be "China", "Africa", and "anything".

Be set up for an overall moving of the scales. Why does China source their oil from African nations and not Middle Eastern nations? Does the oil taste more pleasant? Does it last more? Is it less expensive? Then again does it basically not get under the skin of the US government, as Africa is not seen as true US soil?

Anybody stepping around in the Kuwaiti oil-fields for a considerable length of time would in the long run disturb the USA: take a gander at what happened to poor old Saddam Hussein in 1991. Oh no, it happened again in 2003. The USA sees the Middle East as their own minimal vegetable patch. They let the planters have a couple of carrots to keep them glad, yet they don't care for any rebel rabbits barging in, or any sign that another person needs to manage cultivating terms or economic situations.

Get ready for War....again....ho-murmur

Will there be more wars in the Gulf? Likely. Will things change? Very little. Once in a while the US offers arms to one side ("partners") and in some cases the US offers arms to the right side ("vile forces that be"). Once in a while they offer weapons to both sides ("Iran-contra") and point the finger at it on Oliver North. Insofar as one side wins and consents to offer oil to the USA at a reasonable value, they are cheerful.


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