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Tuesday, May 31, 2016


9:17 PM

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1. Atlanterhavsveien: It is located on the coastal edge of Norway. It has been listed in many magazines as the must visit roads in the world but if not driven safely it is also one of the most d@ngero*us road. The road is built on several small islands and stretches a little over 5 miles. 2. James Dalton Highway: It is located in the most northern part of Alaska and is not for anyone who is a new driver, tedious driver or driving a car that does not have four wheel drive. The highway is 414 miles long and is primarily used as a ship route for the Prudhoe Bay oil fields. IT is also very icy road. There is also a lack of gas stations and civilization. 3. Eshima Ohashi Bridge: The bridge is only about a mile long but on one side there is a gradient of 6.1% and other side has a gradient of 5.1%. It is one of the steeper bridges in the world. The bridge is built very high and fishing boats can safely pass without disrupti*ng traffic. It is located in Japan and connects cities Matsue and Sakaiminato. It is also known as the ‘Roller Coaster Bridge’. 4. The Himalayan road: It is known as the highest road in the world with an altitude of 11,578 ft. The road is basically made of crumbling dirt. It has only one lane and hugs the side of the Himalayan mountains. It is meant to be a by pass between India and Tibet. 5. Trollstigen: Meaning ‘The Troll Ladder’, this road is located in Norway, Rauma. The incline is at a steep 9% and the curves are very tight. The road is so narrow that any vehicle bigger than 40 ft are prohibited there. The government tried to widen the road for safety but there was nothing more they could do. 6. Skippers Canyon Road: It is one of the most dangerous roads in New Zealand. The narrow roads has d@ngerou$ cliffs that paint the terrain and are waiting to welcome vehicle into its de@thly drop. 7. Stelvio Pass: It is located in Italy and is a 15 mile road with 48 hairpin turns with 180 degree corners in some areas. The highest pass is over 9,000 ft and the pass hugs the east Alps. One wrong turn can cause the vehicle to flip over the concrete barrier and h!t the road below. It is only open from June to September because of bad weather. 8. Sichuan Tibet Highway: It located in China and is responsible for 7,500 deaths for every hundred thousand people. The highway is vulnerable to rock slides, avalanches and hazardous conditions due to poor weather. 9. BR-116: Located in Brazil, this road is known as the highway of de@*th and is the longest road in the country. The road is not located in a mountain, but the up keep is so bad it has caused numerous @cc!dents leading to thousands of de@ths. The road is also pr0*ne to @tt@ck by th!*eve$ and bandits and there is also a pr0$titut!on ring somewhere on the 2,2oo mile stretch of road. 10. North Yungas Road: Nicknamed as the ‘Death Road’ for good reason, in the road about 200-300 travellers are k!ll*ed on the road from Bolivia’s capital to La Paz to the Amazon region every year. The road stretches 42 miles and is littered with crossed in memoriam to those who lost their lives and the vehicles that fell off the road.


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