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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

8 of decade while he was sleeping with the girl's brother took up the encroached raped after capture camera. WATCH VIDEO NEWS

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Baucau style khatra see that son Video watch video

There are at least three winning tickets in the US for the record $1.6bn (£1.1bn) lottery jackpot, officials have said. The winning tickets in the Powerball jackpot were sold in California, Tennessee and Florida. The previous draw was the 19th without a grand prize winner, which requires all six numbers to match. Officials said it would take several hours to know if there were any other winning tickets. Powerball USA tweetImage copyrightPowerball USA Winning numbers in 13 January draw The identity of the winners is not yet known. Thousands of people queued up outside shops across the US on Wednesday, hoping to defy the odds of 292.2 million to one. California Lottery tweeted that the winning ticket in the state was sold at a 7-Eleven store in Chino Hills, a suburb east of Los Angeles. Television pictures showed a cheering crowd gathering at the shop after the result was announced. The winners will share a prize of $1.586bn. They can collect their winnings in annual payments over 29 years, or opt to share a lump-sum payment of $930m. The government will also share in the big prize, however, levying a 39.6% federal income tax on the winners - and the payout will also be subject any taxes that the winners' home states may impose.

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1. Atlanterhavsveien: It is located on the coastal edge of Norway. It has been listed in many magazines as the must visit roads in the world but if not driven safely it is also one of the most d@ngero*us road. The road is built on several small islands and stretches a little over 5 miles. 2. James Dalton Highway: It is located in the most northern part of Alaska and is not for anyone who is a new driver, tedious driver or driving a car that does not have four wheel drive. The highway is 414 miles long and is primarily used as a ship route for the Prudhoe Bay oil fields. IT is also very icy road. There is also a lack of gas stations and civilization. 3. Eshima Ohashi Bridge: The bridge is only about a mile long but on one side there is a gradient of 6.1% and other side has a gradient of 5.1%. It is one of the steeper bridges in the world. The bridge is built very high and fishing boats can safely pass without disrupti*ng traffic. It is located in Japan and connects cities Matsue and Sakaiminato. It is also known as the ‘Roller Coaster Bridge’. 4. The Himalayan road: It is known as the highest road in the world with an altitude of 11,578 ft. The road is basically made of crumbling dirt. It has only one lane and hugs the side of the Himalayan mountains. It is meant to be a by pass between India and Tibet. 5. Trollstigen: Meaning ‘The Troll Ladder’, this road is located in Norway, Rauma. The incline is at a steep 9% and the curves are very tight. The road is so narrow that any vehicle bigger than 40 ft are prohibited there. The government tried to widen the road for safety but there was nothing more they could do. 6. Skippers Canyon Road: It is one of the most dangerous roads in New Zealand. The narrow roads has d@ngerou$ cliffs that paint the terrain and are waiting to welcome vehicle into its de@thly drop. 7. Stelvio Pass: It is located in Italy and is a 15 mile road with 48 hairpin turns with 180 degree corners in some areas. The highest pass is over 9,000 ft and the pass hugs the east Alps. One wrong turn can cause the vehicle to flip over the concrete barrier and h!t the road below. It is only open from June to September because of bad weather. 8. Sichuan Tibet Highway: It located in China and is responsible for 7,500 deaths for every hundred thousand people. The highway is vulnerable to rock slides, avalanches and hazardous conditions due to poor weather. 9. BR-116: Located in Brazil, this road is known as the highway of de@*th and is the longest road in the country. The road is not located in a mountain, but the up keep is so bad it has caused numerous @cc!dents leading to thousands of de@ths. The road is also pr0*ne to @tt@ck by th!*eve$ and bandits and there is also a pr0$titut!on ring somewhere on the 2,2oo mile stretch of road. 10. North Yungas Road: Nicknamed as the ‘Death Road’ for good reason, in the road about 200-300 travellers are k!ll*ed on the road from Bolivia’s capital to La Paz to the Amazon region every year. The road stretches 42 miles and is littered with crossed in memoriam to those who lost their lives and the vehicles that fell off the road.

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नेपाली युवती भारतमा बलात्कृत READ MORE NEWS

एक नेपाली युवती भारतको कोलकत्तामा बलात्कृत भएकी छिन् । नेपाल समाचारपत्र दैनिकमा समाचार छ।

आइतबारराती बाटो बिराएर गन्तब्यमा पुग्न नसकेकी २५ वर्षीया युवतीलाई ४ जनाको युवाको समूहले बलात्कार गरेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ।युवतीले बाटो खलमलिएपछि कार मार्फत एक कफिसपसम्म लिफ्ट दिने बताएका थिए।
४ जना युवाले तीब्र गतिमा कार हुँइक्याउँदै केही टाढा लगेर पालैपालो बलात्कार गरेको प्रहरीकने भनाइ छ।RAPE
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Gang involved in kidnapping of Nepalese businessman arrrested WATCH VIDEO NEWS

Most of us are not aware of what an actuary does and the importance of the role in an insurance company. Undoubtedly, an actuarial job may seem quite boring, but it is one of the most challenging and high-paying jobs. If you are a math or statistics genius, then this may be the perfect career for you. The actuary's main responsibility is assessing/quantifying risk and developing means of mitigating risks. Actuaries are largely known for their work in the insurance and pension fields, where they design financially secure benefit programs to protect customers. Let's take a look at the role, certification process and career advancement of an actuary.

What is an Actuary?
Actuaries are the financial engineers of the insurance industry, specializing in either life and health insurance or property and casualty insurance. Basically, they formulate probability tables or employ highly advanced dynamic modeling methods that predict the probability that a potential event will generate a claim. From these tables, they ascertain the amount of money needed for claims payouts.

Different actuaries have different roles and may work for insurance companies or consulting firms, as well as in other businesses. They may be involved with devising a new retirement program for a company or even calculating the impact of laws banning car-cellphone use in automobile losses and determining suitable rate discounts. For instance, in property insurance, property and casualty actuaries compute the number of claims likely to result from natural catastrophes. The actuaries take into account the property's location, construction and several other factors before determining the premium.

Similarly, the figures calculated by actuaries ensure that insurance companies charge enough for premiums to cover predicted costs. In addition, actuaries have to make sure that the premium charged for that insurance is competitive with that charged by competing insurance companies. (For more on insurance, see Extended Warranties: Should You Take The Bait?)

Educational Background
If you are interested in becoming an actuary, you are required to earn an undergraduate degree in statistics, mathematics, finance or actuarial science. There are many schools and colleges that offer programs in actuarial science.

Before becoming a fully qualified actuary, individuals must pass examinations given by either the Society of Actuaries (SOA) or the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) over a period of five to ten years. Students are normally allowed to take the first two examinations while they are still in college. After graduation, students often obtain jobs as entry-level actuaries and work through the certification process while simultaneously gaining some experience in the field. In return, employers may pay the examination fees and provide extra study time to their employees. As actuaries pass exams, they are compensated with pay raises.
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Here's the latest installment into our head-scratching features on durability and endurance tests of premium flagship phones. Youtuber Adrianisen is back with another crazy Coca-Cola test comparing the new Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and the not-so-new iPhone 6S Plus. This is the same guy who did an Internet speed test on the Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge almost a year ago. Before that, he dared us to play Fruit Ninja on a Sony Xperia Z3 with a real knife. You think he's crazy? He dipped the same Xperia Z3 into Nutella and Coca Cola.

Adrianisen was actually worried about the iPhone 6S Plus because the Apple phone wasn’t exactly ready for being immersed in any liquid. We all know the S7 Edge is water-resistant being with its IP68-rating. The Galaxy S7 edge already survived a Water and Dust Resistance Test. We even learned the phone's water-resistant secrets.
It's NOT waterproof but only water-resistant. Instead of just drowning the two smartphones in Coke, Adrianisen freezed the two in -24 degree. Upon pouring Coke into the phones, the Galaxy S7 edge started functioning, launching the speed test.

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Then How to keep Banana Fresh?
There is an easy way. If you want o keep banana fresh then tie the plastic hardly in the bottom of your banana. From this process, banana can be kept fresh manner,. This is the easy and best process to keep the banana fresh.Banana is such a fruit which can not be store in the refrigerator as other fruits. Other fruits can be store in the refrigerator for months but storing banana will leave it uneatable. Banana will get ruin as well as ethylin will be produced in the banana’s bottom. This will ruin other vegetables and fruits around it’s surrounding.

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Brazil became a 16-year-old girl gang-rape victim READ MORE NEWS

जब म उठें । त्यतिबेला ३२ भन्दा बढी पुरुषहरु मेरो शरिरमा खेलिरहेका थिए । म घर जान चाहन्थें ।’– ब्राजिलमा सामूहिक बलात्कारको सिकार बनेकी १६ वर्षकी युवतीले रुदैँ भनेकी छिन् । अहिले उनी चिकित्सकहरुको निगरानी छिन् र चिकित्सकहरुले उनलाई यौनरोगबाट बच्नका लागि विभिन्न औषधीहरु दिइरहेका छन् ।

राजधानी रियो दि जेनरियोको पश्चिमी इलाकास्थित एक गरिब बस्तीमा घटेको सामूहिक बलात्कारको घटना अहिले विश्वमै बहसको विषय बनेको छ । सामाजिक सञ्जालमा यस प्रकरणको भिडियो सार्वजनिक भएपछि केही ब्राजिलीहरुले उल्टै पिडितलाई नै दोष लगाएका छन् । उनीहरुले पिडितले छोटो स्कर्ट लगाएको, उनी ड्रग्स प्रयोगकर्ता रहेको र रक्सी खाएर होसमा नरहेको भन्दै कमेन्ट गरेका छन् ।

८ सयभन्दा बढी यस्ता घृणित कमेन्टहरु समाजिक सञ्जालमा आएपछि फुटबलरहरुको देश भनेर चिनिने ब्राजिलको प्रतिष्ठामा धक्का लागेकोे छ । के ब्राजिल साँच्चै बलात्कारीहरुको देश हो ? ब्राजिलमा बलात्कारजस्तो घृणित काम अब संस्कृति नै बनिसक्यो ? अभियन्ताहरुले प्रश्न ते¥र्याएका छन् ।

सामाजिक सञ्जालमा भिडियो पोस्ट
ब्राजिलमा १६ वर्षकी युवती बलात्कार मात्रै परिनन् । बलात्कृत भएर आइतबार बिहान घर फर्केकी यी युवतीले अर्को दिन समाजिक सञ्जाल ट्वीटरमा आफू बलात्कृत हुदाँको भिडियो देखिन् । बलात्कारीहरुले उनी अचेत रहदाँ नाङगा तस्बिरहरु खिचेर ४० सेकेन्डको आपत्तिजनक भिडियो समाजिक सञ्जालमा पोस्ट गरे ।

बेहोस थिइन् बलात्कृत युवती
शनिबार बलात्कारको घटना घटेको थियो । त्यसपछि मंगलबारसम्म भिडियो समाजिक सञ्जालमा भाइरल बन्यो । अहिले प्रहरीले शंकास्पद व्यक्तिहरुको खोजी कार्य तिव्र पारेको छ । प्रहरीसँगको बयानका क्रममा पिडित आफ्नो प्रेमीको घर जाँदै गर्दा अपहरणमा परेको बताएकी छिन् । ‘ब्युझँदा म अर्कैको घरमा थिए र मलाई थुप्रै पुरुषहरुले घेरिरहेका थिए । त्यसपछि मात्रै मलाई होस आयो ।’– बलात्कृत युवतीले भनेकी छिन् । यस प्रकरणपछि उनका प्रेमिसहित चार व्यक्तीलाई प्रहरीले पक्राउ गरेको छ ।

उल्टै पिडितको उपहास
यो घटनालाई लिएर परस्पर विरोधी भनाईहरु सार्वजनिक भइरहेका छन् । ४० सेकेन्डको भिडियो अपलोड गर्नेको एकाउन्ट निलम्बनमा पर्नुअघि यो भिडियो व्यापक रुपमा शेयर भएको थियो । बलात्कृत किशोरीकी हजूरआमाले स्थानीय मिडियासँग कुराकानी गर्दै भिडियो हेरेर परिवार रोएको बताएकी छिन् –‘यो भिडियो हेरेपछि मलाई किन यस्तो भिडियो हेरेँ भनेर पश्चाताप भयो । जब हामीले पहिला यस घटनाका विषयमा सुनेका थियौँ त्यतिबेलासम्म हामीलाई विश्वास नै थिएन । यो धेरै ठूलो पिडा हो । यसले हाम्रो परिस्थितीलाई थप कठीन बनाइदिएको छ ।’– फोल्हा डि साओ पावोलो पत्रिकासँगको कुराकानीमा पिडितकी हजूरआमाले भावूक हुदैँ भनेकी छिन् –‘उनी ठीक छैनन् । निकै गम्भिर अवस्थामा छिन् । उनको होश छैन् ।’

सामाजिक सञ्जालमा भिडियो शेयर भएपछि कतिपयले उल्टै बलात्कृत युवतीको उपहास गरेका छन् । महिलाको गुप्ताङगमा बलात्कारीले हात राखेको तस्विरमा जुनिन्हो नामका एक व्यक्तिले कमेन्ट गरेका छन् – ‘रियो दि जेनरियोमा स्पिड रेल्वेका लागि अब नयाँ टनेल खुल्यो ।’ त्यस्तै अर्का एक व्यक्तिले उनको नग्न तस्विरलाई मजाक बनाउँदै लेखेका छन्–‘म प्रेममा परेँ । हाहाहा ।’ अर्को एकाउन्टबाट स्ट्याटस आएको छ –‘३० जनाले एकैपटक बलात्कार गर्दा गर्भ बस्छ त ?’

स्तब्ध छन् ब्राजिलीहरु
बिबिसीकी ब्राजिलस्थित संवाददाता जुलिया कार्नियरो यो घटनाले पुरै ब्राजिललाई स्तब्ध बनाएको बताउँछिन् । ३ महिनापछि ओलम्पिक खेलको आयोजना गर्न गइरहेको ब्राजिलको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय प्रतिष्ठामा यस घटनाले दाग थपिदिएको छ । अभियन्ताहरुले यसै घटनाको विरोधमा आगामी दिनमा प्रदर्शन गर्ने भएका छन् । भावविव्हल भएका सामाजिक सञ्जालका प्रयोगकर्ताहरुले इस्टुप्रोनुन्कामेइस नामक ह्यासट्याग प्रयोग गरिरहेका छन् , जसको अर्थ बलात्कार कहिल्यै नहोस् भन्ने हुन्छ ।

ब्राजिलमा थुपै्र पत्रकारहरुले यस घटनालाई अतिरन्जित बनाउनका लागि सामाजिक सञ्जालमा भिडियो अपलोड गर्ने बलात्कारीको विरुद्धमा व्यङग्यात्मक तस्विर र कार्टूनहरु बनाएर पोस्ट गरेका छन् ।

संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघको युएन महिला समूहले विज्ञप्ती जादैँ गर्दै घटनाको छानविन गर्न ब्राजिली अधिकारीहरुसँग माग गरेको छ । तर पिडितलाई सम्मान गर्दै फेरि उनलाई पिडित नबनाउन आग्रह गरेको छ । पिडितका निजी कुराहरु गोप्य राख्दै छानविन अघि बढाउन युएन महिला समूहले माग गरेको छ । विज्ञहरु लाज र विभिन्न आरोपको सामना गर्नुपर्ने डरका कारण ब्राजिली महिलाहरु बलात्कारको मुद्धामा मौन रहने गरेको बताउँछन् ।

ब्राजिली सञ्चारमाध्यमसँग सर्वसाधारण रुष्ट
यस घटनामा ब्राजिली सञ्चारमाध्यमहरुले निकै ढिला मात्रै चासो राखेको भन्दै सर्वसाधारण रुष्ट बनेका छन् । समाजिक सञ्जालमा यो भिडियो सार्वजनिक भएपछि मात्रै ब्राजिली सञ्चारमाध्यमहरुले समाचार प्रशारण र प्रकाशन गरेका थिए ।

यसअघि समाजिक सञ्जालमा पिडितलाई नै दोषी देखाएर बलात्कारीहरुले उन्मुक्ती खोज्दै गरेको भन्दै प्रयोगकर्ताहरुले इस्टुप्रोनाओइकुल्पाडाभिटिमा नामक ह्यासट्याग प्रयोग गरेका थिए । यस ह्यासट्यागको अर्थ बलात्कार कहिल्यै पिडितहरुको गल्तिले हुदैँन भन्ने हो । यस बहसका क्रममा कतिले किशोरीलाई नै गल्ति देखाउँदै उनी रक्सीले मातेकी थिइन् र उनले छोटो स्कर्ट लगाएकी थिइन् समेत भन्न भ्याएका छन् ।
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Friday, May 27, 2016

"I'm sleeping with men for money ' READ MORE NEWS

Mumbai. Actress Sherilyn Chopra 'I'm going to sleep for the people in the' Bollywood Hungama's statement is fighting.
According to Indian media 'lend money to people, and I am sleeping "social network tweets that are hostile, even after the Bollywood market. It is entitled to respond to the public on Friday, he has also filed.
Sherilyn widely known as the actress to talk more openly during the same time due to the facts of the issue of her galley. He is now his film 'Kamasutra 3 dilai prominence with her. The film in question, he was more than a similar stay to discuss due to her personal described.
'Kamasutra 3D' movie incarnation seen in Postmarie very erotic sarlinale Hindustan Times, in an interview with private things of life, she has formed. Which lend money to people in the bedroom is also wooing her.
9 years old when she was 1 working for money and said he had to sleep purusaharusamga yuvatiharule work instead of grappling with a similar obligation to deal with.

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North Korea, South Korea eyeing fear your threats READ MORE NEWS

SEOUL, June 14. South Korean President Park Gain haile North Korean government in recent times to have no fear of the threat of nuclear tests, said.

He said such a threat in any way daraumdainaum Friday, we dhamkiharule these nuclear tests in the past has not been able to do something.

North Korea nuclear test series is broken into the last time South Korea has a frost. These two neighboring nuclear tests in the north due to a need to have another issue last time.

Addressing a program organized yonahapa news agency, he said, but now the North Korea nuclear test preparations, said he had received information.

South Korea, North Korea's efforts to promote peace about the answer, he said, makes it failed.

Recently, on the occasion of his party's seventh national congress, he the answer himself as a nuclear nation is claimed to be familiar with them.

Minister and the agendas of the peace agreement, the two countries will never be the answer the next time it is likely to be lost neglect priority, he said. RSS / AP

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Student Episode 4 Nepali TV Serial WATCH VIDEO

We all know that student life is the golden life. One can has nicest memory and experiences for entire life in this period of life. Students have too much time for entertainment, gossiping and many other funny and sometimes idiot activities. Nevertheless, there is too much pressure of study and career as well. The love story is the inseparable part of student life. The TV serial ‘Student’ shows the almost every aspects of student life. The student is one of the famous tv serial telecasted on HimShikhar Television of eastern Nepal.

The serial Student has fun, comedy, romance, suspense, crime in its storyline. It has many inspirational and education drama that motivate students to have faith in morality and responsibility. All together Student is the perfect package of student life that covers almost every single activity. You can enjoy the all episodes on youtube channel tvnepali. The tv serial Student is production of Panchadhura Devi Films Pvt. Ltd. with association of tvNepali youtube channel. This is presented by Sabitra Timsina (Khanal). This is directed by Gyanendra Koirala.

Have fun and follow for all updates and serials.
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On the off chance that you replied, "USA", "The Middle East" and "begin wars", you would be genuinely near reality... then again reality, as it seemed to be, for a large portion of the most recent century. In the most recent couple of decades we have seen the USA utilizing the vast majority of the world's oil, and sourcing it from the Middle Eastern nations. We have seen the USA required in clashes in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq (section two).

In later years, the measure of oil being utilized by China is on the ascent. Before long, your responses to the above three inquiries will be "China", "Africa", and "anything".

Be set up for an overall moving of the scales. Why does China source their oil from African nations and not Middle Eastern nations? Does the oil taste more pleasant? Does it last more? Is it less expensive? Then again does it basically not get under the skin of the US government, as Africa is not seen as true US soil?

Anybody stepping around in the Kuwaiti oil-fields for a considerable length of time would in the long run disturb the USA: take a gander at what happened to poor old Saddam Hussein in 1991. Oh no, it happened again in 2003. The USA sees the Middle East as their own minimal vegetable patch. They let the planters have a couple of carrots to keep them glad, yet they don't care for any rebel rabbits barging in, or any sign that another person needs to manage cultivating terms or economic situations.

Get ready for War....again....ho-murmur

Will there be more wars in the Gulf? Likely. Will things change? Very little. Once in a while the US offers arms to one side ("partners") and in some cases the US offers arms to the right side ("vile forces that be"). Once in a while they offer weapons to both sides ("Iran-contra") and point the finger at it on Oliver North. Insofar as one side wins and consents to offer oil to the USA at a reasonable value, they are cheerful.

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poison wild mushroom READ MORE NEWS

Fidim: wild mushroom ananaki 5-year-old girl became seriously ill woman has died Paanchthar.

The deceased resident anana 1 5-year-old daughter, Sony manalaka bit DSP manalakaki. He was sick, she did not since May 11. He was picked up from the mushroom forest avibhavakale cooked meal khamnasamga manalaka family, including one patient who had 5.

Nelson mushroom travail Life Line Hospital on Friday morning at his flashy passing was formed. 16-year-old son of one of his patients birendraki Mrs padamamaya manalanaka Ram Prasad, 13-year-old daughter poem, is undergoing treatment at the same 8-year-old said manusako

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To study abroad is a dream for almost every student and migration of international students starts to increase, especially nowadays in an era of because this era is the 'individual's ability to globalize', according to Friedman (2005). Studying abroad is a 'life-changing' experience and a challenge in an international environment. Although many will argue that taking a degree in a foreign country with a foreign language and foreign culture is a decision of madness, this essay will argue that an international experience beyond financial constrains, academic achievement in a foreign language across linguistic difficulties, and independence and self-confidence passing cultural barriers gained by students involves courage.
Due to of educational system, especially nowadays in a global market, the study abroad develops an international view, experience and attitude which may help students to cultivate , as Paul Human Ecology's Study Abroad (2002) adviser said, "the knowledge, skills and attitudes that prepare them for global citizenship".
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KATHMANDU: Lawmakers said the government has delayed the distribution of earthquake relief have criticized. Parliament on Thursday defended the meeting of parties, including the rain to start making money at home, even if the government had not given earthquake dissatisfaction.

The opposition Congress MP Ram Hari Khatiwada the rainy season should be reconvened when the earthquake relief equitable obligation to the immediate attention of the government said. "The victims of the earthquake a year, seemingly not been able to find relief ', Khatiwada said,' a year camp, next year bowl, this is the government's relief? '

Earthquake relief in different national and international organizations are also active in real victim was unable to find relief was Khatiwata said. Anuradha Thapa of Nepal Workers and Peasants Party and the government of the distribution of earthquake relief, saying that though the accused multistory bias.

UML Laxmi Shakya people in different parts of the country have become the rains and the fire saying they favor the government's attention to cooperation. He said that the government of the day to show earthquake relief.
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१४ जेठ, काठमाडौं ।

नेपाली राष्ट्रिय फुटबल टिमका स्ट्राइकर बिमल घर्तीमगर काठमाडौं ओर्लिएका छन् । अकस्मात बहिनीको निधन भएपछि बिमल बेल्जियमबाट फर्किएका हुन् ।

उनी काठमाडौं आए लगत्तै सिधै बहिनीको शव राखिएको टिचिङ अस्पताल पुगेका छन् ।

विमल बहिनीको शव हेर्न शिक्षण अस्पताल महाराजगन्ज पुगेका हुन्। खुट्टाको उपचार गर्न बेल्जियम पुगेका घर्तिमगर बहिनीको शंकास्पद मृत्युपछि आज बिहान ९ बजेर ३० मिनेटमा काठमाडौं आइपुगेका थिए । उनी त्रिभुवन विमानस्थलबाट सिधै शिक्षण अस्पताल पुगेका हुन् ।

उनी त्रिभुवन विमानस्थलमा ओर्लिँदा निन्याउरो मुख देखिन्थ्यो । कतार एयरबाट बिहान ९-३० मा काठमाडौं ओर्लिएका बिमललाई कतार विमानस्थलमा भने उनका एक नेपाली युवकले सेल्फी लिएको समेत देखिएको छ । कतारको विमानस्थलमा विमलसँग सेल्फी लिने समवेदनाहिन युवक नेपाली नै हुन् ।

आफूलाई नेपाली फुटवल प्रेमी बताउने गरेका एलिस खड्काले शोकमा रहेका बिमलप्रति असंवेदनशील हुँदै उनले विमलको अनिच्छामा सेल्फी खिचेको प्रष्ट देखिन्छ ।

एलिस खड्काले मलिन अनुहारमा रहेका बिमलसँग सेल्फी खिचेर फेसबुकमा सार्वजनिक गरेका छन् ।

एलिसको फेसबुकमा यस अघि पनि बिमलसँगको तस्विर देखिन्छ तर उनले शोकमा रहेको बेला पनि मन नलागी मन नलागी सेल्फी खिचिरहेको पछिल्लो तस्विरले प्रष्ट पारेको छ ।

खुट्टाको उपचारका लागि बेल्जियममा रहेका उनी बहिनीको रहस्यमय मृत्युपछि नेपाल फर्किएका हुन् ।

बिमलकी बहिनी मनीषा घर्ती बुधबार राति नवलपरासी बर्दघाटस्थित आफ्नै घरमा मृत अवस्थामा भेटिएकी थिइन् । उनको आत्महत्या हो वा हत्या भन्ने विषयमा अनुसन्धान भैरहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।
विमल घर्ती बेल्जियम भएको बेला उनको घरमा के के भयो

Police here have arrested two youths on the suspicion of their involvement in the killing of Manisha Gharti. She is the sister of famous football player Bimal Gharti Magar. Gharti was found murdered last night.Police have withheld detailed information so that it will not affect further investigation into the case.She was found murdered at her own home at Bardaghat-8, Panchanagar in Nawalparasi district this morning. Manisha’s mother had informed the police when she saw her daughter killed in her bedroom.It is said Manisha’s mother had gone to Butwal the same night the incident took place and daughter Manisha was alone at the home.After inspecting the crime scene, Superintendant of Police (SP) Rajendra Chaudhary said there were blood stains in the divan where she was left behind after murder.Chaudhary added that the dead body has been kept in the district hospital for postmortem.Gharti, a 17-year old, had recently appeared in the grade 11 board exams from New Life Higher Secondary School, Bardaghat

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Ronaldo Suarez have talked about his family. READ MORE NEWS

Kathmandu. Ronaldo Suarez have talked about his family. And, his son can not be claimed that the Spanish kyatalana Barcelona supporters.

Ronaldo, a Spanish Television has spoken to his son and mother relationship to.

Real Madrid striker Ronaldo has his son, he claimed to have transformed the lives of many. "It is impossible for Barcelona's favor. Because in him is that I, Ronaldo said, "if he is to accept the emptying severity me. '

Pillar of the mother of his family, he said. He said he was very helpful and son. He said before, the (son) is not the mother. His mother and father is the same. That I am.
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.

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DREAMS | Nepali Short movie WATCH VIDEO

DREAMS | Nepali Short movie

Story about a person who is practicing a lucid dreams in his normal dream. Only few people in the world can feel that they are in dream and they try to live life in dreams. This is not a love story this is related to Science fiction.

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Boksi in the Nepalese language They blamed her for using black magic to make a young girl ill in Myagdi district, 400km south of the capital, Kathmandu. “She was severely beaten with logs so that her witch’s spell would leave the girl’s body,” said a local teacher, Man Bahadur Pariyar, who with other villagers helped to rescue 60-year-old Darji and took her to the local health centre. “This should not be tolerated. It is time we realised this [so-called] witch-craft is ridiculous and primitive,” said Pariyar. Women’s rights activists have been battling for decades to end this form of gender violence but the problem persists, especially in the Terai region, the southern fertile plains of the country, they say. “We are still shocked to find the incidence of women being subject to the worst form of violence both physical and mental – at the hands of their families and local communities,” said activist Bandana Rana.

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famous artist baratolomio esteban READ MORE NEWS

urope, most of the famous artist baratolomio estebanako pentiganko about it that is not you, and I am stating that this is a father and daughter pentigam. It may look pentigam and father with daughter know that you can take it pentigangama the drsyaprati hate the heart can be seen to generate large nairasya. But I believe that, when you get this pentigamma hidden story is not of your thoughts and feelings will be replaced Sure.
This is the story, and he shall not die until an old autistic when he was sentenced to fasting smaller. When such a harsh punishment is also in progress to meet her a daughter who slid him off horizontally. When these parents meet old daughter and her body completely ransacked authina liinthyo, because they bring food for His father gaze.
Progress has been impaired due to hunger and degrading day by day because of the daughter of the father of the body, and he began to be pidam asahaya father can not see the situation Pugin. At the end of which he can be such a thing as society looking for the exterior was shocking and embarrassing.
Bhokaka father because he also is a tragic situation, even when she was not to take any food. His father was finally through his own breast to crying Vivas. This event dohorirahayo every day, her father also began to be healthy.
One day, sitting in the rock parted her nursing His father was arrested by the then ruler of the state met and started before. This unusual event then the sound of a huge leap in society forehead and citizens grouped into two parts. A daughter of the Pentateuch, the Holy Father made this event co
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Timeshare and Destination clubs are a form of property ownership involving ownership of an individual unit of accommodation for seasonal usage. A motel is a small-sized low-rise lodging with direct access to individual rooms from the car park. Boutique hotels are typically hotels with a unique environment or intimate setting. A number of hotels have entered the public consciousness through popular culture, such as the Ritz Hotel in London. Some hotels are built specifically as a destination in itself, for example at casinos and holiday resorts

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Due to internationalisation of educational system, especially nowadays in a global market, the study abroad develops an international view, experience and attitude which may help students to cultivate , as Paul Human Ecology's Study Abroad (2002) adviser said, "the knowledge, skills and attitudes that prepare them for global citizenship". Moreover, an international experience may gives them international perspectives and increase their marketability on market jobs. 

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paras khadka READMORE NEWS

Everything around is uncertain that people should prepare for any scenario. Really, really the only things certain around are taxes and dying. Either of individual’s situations will definitely happen in the course of a person's existence. While taxes is going to be found in each population, coloring will come as a robber indoors the evening.

Sickness and dying are frightening since it is. They become much more frightening when one has not prepared for this type of scenario. Due to this, why everybody is worthy of a life insurance coverage.

People should always plan their finances and achieving a life insurance coverage is a sure way of planning their finances. Acquiring a life insurance coverage is much like saving money for hard times since you will find life insurance coverage recommendations that provide for just about any cash value when the insurance policy just sits there up by the owner insured. Under this provision, the insured can withdraw or borrow from his insurance policy. Furthermore, this means planning money for hard times of individuals you want just in case something happens.

A life insurance coverage can advanced considerably in aiding family members who feel the dying of a relative. When the bread champion dies, these family members haven't any one to visit however when the bread champion features a life insurance coverage, then he is assured he leaves his family members with something to carry on until such time when they are already in a position to fending by themselves.

Anybody which has an earnings is worthy of a life insurance coverage not just in be the lifeline for family members. A life insurance coverage may take in the dying-related expenses in the deceased including expenses for your funeral too for probate of his will.

Lots of people aren't as lucky as others and they're going to not be capable of leave mansions and lands for his or her family members. Getting a life insurance coverage policy, a dad or mom can now leave a meager inheritance to his family members or devices
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To study abroad is a dream for almost every student and migration of international students starts to increase, especially nowadays in an era of globalisation, because this era is the 'individual's ability to globalize', according to Friedman (2005). Studying abroad is a 'life-changing' experience and a challenge in an international environment. Although many will argue that taking a degree in a foreign country with a foreign language and foreign culture is a decision of madness, this essay will argue that an international experience beyond financial constrains, academic achievement in a foreign language across linguistic difficulties, and independence and self-confidence passing cultural barriers gained by students involves courage.

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To study abroad is a dream for almost every student and migration of international students starts to increase, especially nowadays in an era of globalisation, because this era is the 'individual's ability to globalize', according to Friedman (2005). Studying abroad is a 'life-changing' experience and a challenge in an international environment. Although many will argue that taking a degree in a foreign country with a foreign language and foreign culture is a decision of madness, this essay will argue that an international experience beyond financial constrains, academic achievement in a foreign language across linguistic difficulties, and independence and self-confidence passing cultural barriers gained by students involves courage.

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The boy to girl READ MORE NEWS

A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in plants that are floral (plants of the division Magnoliophyta, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to effect reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs. Flowers may facilitate outcrossing (fusion of sperm and eggs from different individuals in a population) or allow selling (fusion of sperm and egg from the same flower). Some flowers produce diaspores without fertilization (parthenogenesis). Flowers contain sporran and are the site where saprophytes develop. Many flowers have evolved to be attractive to animals, so as to cause them to be vectors for the transfer of pollen. After fertilization, the ovary of the flower develops into fruit containing seeds.

In addition to facilitating the reproduction of flowering plants, flowers have long been admired and used by humans to beautify their environment, and also as objects of romance, ritual, religion, medicine and as a source of food.
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He further maintains that “society can survive only if there exists among its members a sufficient degree of homogeneity. The homogeneity is perpetuated and reinforced by education. A child through education learns basic rules, regulations, norms and values of society”.

Education thus is an essential prerequisite of modernization. It enables people to know the world beyond their own surroundings and transforms them to become rationalist and humanist in outlook and world view. However, it has to be kept in mind that the education has got modernized and in turn is contributing to the process of modernization of the Indian society.

The traditional education system of India was quite different from the contemporary one. In traditional Indian society, the number of educational institutions was too small and the content of education was esoteric and essentially related with religion, philosophy, metaphysics and scriptural subjects.

The education was confined to the ‘twice-born’ castes and the upper classes. The organizational structure was ascriptive and hereditary. The lower castes, particularly the scheduled castes, were denied education. Even today, the Madrassah education among Muslims is largely based on religion, philosophy and scriptural messages. Shishu Mandirs also have religion and tradition as parts of curriculum.

Modern education is exoteric, open and liberal. The world-view is scientific-rational; the theme consists of freedom, equality, humanism and denial of faith in dogma and supersti­tions. The course contents are rationalistic and in tune with the needs of the present-day society.

Science and technology, grammar and literature, social philosophy, history and culture, geography and ecology, agriculture and horticulture comprise the vast range of subjects which are taught in schools, colleges and universities.

The modern education lays emphasis on the subjects like freedom, nationality, law, human rights, democracy and scientific world view. The other parts of education are the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, which are often organized for total personality development of a student.
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breaking news READ MORE NEWS

Everything around is uncertain that people should prepare for any scenario. Really, really the only things certain around are taxes and dying. Either of individual’s situations will definitely happen in the course of a person's existence. While taxes is going to be found in each population, coloring will come as a robber indoors the evening.

Sickness and dying are frightening since it is. They become much more frightening when one has not prepared for this type of scenario. Due to this, why everybody is worthy of a life insurance coverage.

People should always plan their finances and achieving a life insurance coverage is a sure way of planning their finances. Acquiring a life insurance coverage is much like saving money for hard times since you will find life insurance coverage recommendations that provide for just about any cash value when the insurance policy just sits there up by the owner insured. Under this provision, the insured can withdraw or borrow from his insurance policy. Furthermore, this means planning money for hard times of individuals you want just in case something happens.

A life insurance coverage can advanced considerably in aiding family members who feel the dying of a relative. When the bread champion dies, these family members haven't any one to visit however when the bread champion features a life insurance coverage, then he is assured he leaves his family members with something to carry on until such time when they are already in a position to fending by themselves.

Anybody which has an earnings is worthy of a life insurance coverage not just in be the lifeline for family members. A life insurance coverage may take in the dying-related expenses in the deceased including expenses for your funeral too for probate of his will.

Lots of people aren't as lucky as others and they're going to not be capable of leave mansions and lands for his or her family members. Getting a life insurance coverage policy, a dad or mom can now leave a meager inheritance to his family members or devices.
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The movies square measure solely sixty seconds long. I’ll in all probability ne’er watch a lot of movies in one sitting ever once more, I detected AN eager meeter comment at the sixty Seconds International Film Festival(SIFF) that was endured the cloudy day of might twenty at Cine-De cook, CTC Mall, Sundhara by Open house Asian country (OSN) unitedly with sixty Seconds International fete (60th SIFF). The screening came about in partnership with Morango Films, a filmmaking company from Asian country, the leader of the competition that started within the year 2013. Generally, the Nepali audience’s interest in documentaries are often uneven at best; they without delay categorize documentaries as long, boring and tedious to look at. However, with the appearance of SIFF, documentaries might awaken new interest and vigour among Nepali audiences. The event, that screened thirty five completely different movies, was delineated as a show of sturdy “citizen journalism” by Muhammad Saif, the country director for the event. The short documentaries pictured displays of non-public, social, and international problems like peace, interfaith, water, creative, fiction, comedy, surroundings, democracy, innovation, conflict, and tolerance.

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Hantu Binal Jembatan Semanggi WATCH VIDEO

the home of over universities in the World University Rankings, the US remains the world’s leading destination for international students. In the number of international students choosing to study in the US rose to a record high students, according to the Institute of International Education’s Open Doors report. The most popular states for international study. And the most popular subjects were business and management, engineering, mathematics and computer science. Of course, it’s not just the high standard of universities that draws students in. Whether you’re attracted to the bright lights and fast pace of the big city or to miles and miles of unspoiled wilderness beaches or lush forests; the rustic and traditional or the sleek and modern, this huge and incredibly diverse country has something for everyone.

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