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Saturday, June 4, 2016

भाग्यले बाँचेका जोडी सञ्जिव र रमिला - ISSUE OF THE DAY WATCH VIDEO

10:23 PM

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0n April 25th 2015 a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal leaving th0usands dead and th0usand injured. Yet 0ne year 0n the th0usands 0f pe0ple wh0 l0st everything in the disaster are still living in temporary shelters and tents made fr0m salvaged w00d c0vered with c0rrugated metal sheets.

Alth0ugh little pr0gress has been made in rebuilding the many h0mes destr0yed as a result 0f the quake, aid agencies in the c0untry are helping the p0pulation t0 rebuild their lives.

Issue 0f The Day: Life After the Earthquakes


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